Friday, January 14, 2011


Friends. Everyone has them and everyone needs them. Some people say they have too many to count. That's not true. If you have too many friends to count then you just have fans at one point. If you can't ever remember their name or face, odds are they aren't really your friend. In junior high it seems like who your friends with is who you're judged by. I just want to say that's the dumbest idea i've ever heard. I have some pretty socially akward friends sometimes, that doesn't make ME socially akward. I have friends in completely opposite groups, and i'm pretty sure that's the best way to do it. You have your snobs (you shouldn't hang with them.) then you have the popular BECAUSE their nice group which is really fun to get involved in. You have the class clowns and yes even the girls groups have those. The key is to hang out with people that make you laugh and have a great time with. If you're too stressed around them, then you shouldn't be hanging out, or if your just not sure it's the group you feel good around then they will understand if you didn't quite mesh well :) all in all you should just be you and live your life with the friends that you come by by accident...those make BEST friends :)

Monday, January 3, 2011


Time. It's a huge issue and a huge blessing. Have you ever thought about what you would change if you could change just one thing. You could go back and stop yourself from meeting some one who hurt you or you could go back and meet a person you always wanted to but thought it wasn't important. Time makes and breaks relationships. Some one could've stopped those people from getting on that plane on 9/11. You could go back and tell some one you loved them and how you really felt before they were gone. Maybe even warned some one about what was about to happen. I would do a lot of things. I would stop myself from meeting any guy that would break my heart. I would stop a family friend from dying in Child birth by telling the doctors she would die. I would go back to that night at the basketball game and stop my best friend from shattering her cheek that night. Most of all though i know i wouldn't change a thing. My life is the way it is and i love it. If i hadn't met those guys i wouldn't know how great it is when i find the right one. If i had told the doctors that family friend would die then i wouldn't cherish life the same way.If i had gone back and stopped my best friend from getting hurt we wouldn't know how close we really are. What would you change...or would you?


Sunday, January 2, 2011


So i enjoyed my break yesterday but you know i missed you guys. I have another topic that i would like to get some comments back on. Collections...their are weird ones and common ones but i want to hear what you truly collect. If your a very nonrepetitive person like me and can't handle the same thing over and over again like me then just tell me something you like. When i was younger i collected shells and a couple years ago i tried nutcrackers which i still like i just don't collect. Oh and when i was a little kid i had like 50 webkinz :p but now i collect these little drawings my friends do in fifth period...mainly lindsey but sometimes ashlen helps. Lindsey is my hilarious best friend or at least one of them :) and you haven't even seen comedy until you've seen one of her drawings. So what do you collect and/or like a lot.

Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years Eve

So today is New Years Eve and in exactly three hours and 5 minutes it will be 2011 and i have to say this is a new year and a new me. It's time for some change and a new year is the perfect time to start whether your young or old. I hope you have a great New Year and an amazing rest of your life :) oh and i won't be posting anything tomorrow on either of my blogs as i am taking a break for the first day of the new year :)


Thursday, December 30, 2010


Normally, you would think i would post something about your health on my beauty blog, but Health effects your life too. I know we've all thought "oh i hate my thighs or if i could just loose five more pounds my life will change forever" the truth is it won't. Self confidence comes from liking your body the way it is. It doesn't mean you can't want to make improvements that boost your confidence, just don't down yourself and you will feel an instant confidence boost. Remember, by eating proportions in moderation and working out daily will help you reach your goals. :)


Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Today is my birthday and i have to say i got the best present in the world. I got to see my Great Aunt Nellie and she's the most fun you'll ever have :) we share the same birthday, but enough about me. I figured since this is such an important day for me i'll just ask you guys and girls a question. What was your favorite birthday and why? Mine was my 13th when i got a limo that picked me and my friends up at school and drove us to the mall and through the botanical gardens. Then we went home and had the party and most of the 18 girls spent the night :) (best night EVAR) so what is yours and why?

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Reputations. Now while reputations don't define you, they do define how other people view you. Say if you have a reputation for throwing great parties, then the next party you throw, be it good or not, will have tons of attendees. Making a new reputation for yourself can be done in my opinion, but just make sure before you set out to do so that it's the reputation that you want to be know as. Some people think that a new rep. will make them popular or more attractive. The truth is though it may for a while it's never going to be the real you if it's all just an act. So be you and let that be your reputation. If you don't like your reputation then try swapping it with a new one that you don't mind, just be sure you're not in over your head like the girl in Easy A which was my inspiration on this post. I watched it